Thursday, August 26, 2010

Walking for a cure

Hey Guys!

As most of you know, I work at University Hospital on the Neuro Team. This year they are holding a 5k run/walk to help find a cure for brain tumors. I see many of these patients come through our doors every day. So naturally, I decided to start a team to help support those patients and also the talented doctors that I have the pleasure of working side by side. Our team is called the UC Tumornators. Many of my co-workers are going to be joining the team along with some of their friends and family.

The reason I am writing you this email is to invite you out to walk with the us from Newport, KY to Cincinnati, Oh or to help support us and donate money to our team. Our team goal is to raise at least $1,500 and to have 25 members. I attached a link to my personal website. From there you can donate or join the team. Don't forget we are the UC Tumornators! Hope to see you there! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

2nd Anniversary

This weekend marks the 2 year mark in mine and Shane's relationship. Well, technically it's tomorrow but we celebrated it this past weekend. Ok, I lied again. We started celebrating it over a week ago. We went to Ikea and bought ourselves a whole new bedroom and some things for the living room. It's pretty freaking awesome. I'm excited to go to bed every night!

The weekend started off with waking up to a kiss on the forehead and a "Happy Pre-anniversary babe. I love you soo much!" I love waking up to that and the butterflies in my stomach. Yes, I still get butterflies! So, we started out going to breakfast and then spending the day fall cleaning out apartment. It was NOT fun but it needed to be done and now our apartment feels so much nicer. Then, Shane took me out for a really nice dinner at Bone Fish which was amazing. Today we got to go to the Aquarium and then to the candy shop! My weekend may not sound that exciting but it was to me because I got to spend it with my best friend. I love this boy sooo much!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bright looking future

So...Shane and I have been ring shopping a little bit. I've been looking online to see what I like and an obsessed with Mark Schneider. We went to some stores that had his rings but not the one that I wanted. So, we contacted a jewelry store in Cincinnati to see if they could get it for us to look at and WA LA! It magically appeared at the store.

Let me tell is absolutely perfect in person. This picture doesn't do it justice. This is definitely the ring that I want! Shane really seemed to like it as well. He said he still wants to look at a few different stores but my mind is gonna be pretty hard to change.

Now comes the waiting.....and it's killing me! I know it's coming but how soon or how long it is going to be is up in the air. All he will tell me is "with in a year". Which could be 8 months or 8 days! Ahhhhhh....time will tell I guess. I just have to be patient (ha! yeah right).

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Life as I know it today

If you were to of asked me 5 years ago where I would be today, it would not have been here. Due to strange events and occurrences known as my life, I have ended up here. Smack dab in the middle of pure bliss.

This lovely man to the right is the love of my life. I know it sounds corny and cliche but I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much and on top of that, fall more madly in love with him every day. We live in Kentucky right across the river from Cincinnati, OH and absolutely love it here. I work at University Hospital as a Surgical Technologist. My job is crazy stressful but completely worth it. The only bummer of living in Kentucky is being away from all of our family and friends.

I am proud to say that I am the Aunt Mantha of the cutest little nephew named Henry. He is 5 months old and totally a ladies man. I wish I could have a clone of him to keep in Cincinnati with me.
Well that's about all the catching up I have for right now. Until next time...